I just have this for my ps4 controller charger. I use it when I want to charge my controllers. It also doubles up as a mouse cord and a cable tester.
I have one for the ps4 controller charger, but this one is a little larger and is also a cord tester and a mouse cord.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in situations where I had to replace a dead cord. I have one cord that I use to charge my wireless mouse, another cord for my wireless controller, and a third cord for my wireless cable TV cord.
ps4 controllers are now officially the most common cables for controllers. Many games, even the ones that have not yet come out on ps4, use them to control their game. This is because there are quite a few games that use controller triggers and movement and aim controls to make full use of the controller’s capabilities. The new controller charger cord is a great way to get the latest and greatest controllers without having to replace them every time.
I’m a big fan of wireless controllers, both wired and wireless. I like the ability to have the controller vibrate when I press the trigger to make it a little easier to aim my weapon. And I like the fact that I can just plug the cord into my controller and have it play music while I’m playing.
One of the biggest reasons to be excited about the new ps4 controller charger cord is that it is a wireless charger. That means you don’t have to plug your controller in to your PC when you want to use it. It also means that you can control your controller without having to use your mouse, which is handy. You can also use the cord to charge your controller with the least amount of power possible, so I think that’s a win in my book.
The cord works by using the wireless radio signal from your ps4 controller to charge the controller. It looks like it uses the USB port on your ps4 controller, but I have no idea what it is doing. It looks to be using a micro usb port which is good because ps4 controllers have micro usb ports. I don’t have a ps4 controller yet so it would be great if someone could explain it to me.
The other good news is you can charge your controller with this cord too! The cord is made out of super strong ABS, and the micro usb port is made out of high-quality copper. The cord is about as thin as a coin, and the micro usb port is a standard size USB port that most people already have in their controller. The only thing that really makes it unique is that the micro usb port is a little larger than the standard size USB port.
The thing about the charger cord is that it is made out of a rubberized material that will grip your controller better than the traditional cord made out of thin plastic. The cord is great for those of us who have a hard time getting our controller charged or the charger cord to stay attached.
The charger cord is certainly small but it may not be the best option for all gamers. It’s more of a gaming accessory than a controller cord. It’s also one size fits all so it may be a bit bulkier than something that is designed for different devices.