Ben, your blog has been a long time coming. I have been doing some research into your site and it turned out to be an interesting piece of information. You have a decent amount of info, but it isn’t all that surprising. If you’re doing this for a living, I have a feeling you probably have a lot of stuff to work on.
Ben wrote us about the blog and the research project the site is run on. He’s also written a book about the site and a book about hacking.
I love when sites tell me about cool stuff I’ve been doing. I just had a good laugh when I saw your recent post about how you’ve been making money from your blog. That’s really cool and the best of luck on the book. I actually have a few projects on the go right now that we could talk about. That one of the most interesting ones was the original idea for a site called Hacked by The Fans.
That’s the site we run on. We made it so that you could buy the latest issue of Hacks, the hacker news we put out, and even share it with your friends. A lot of the cool stuff you do is actually made possible by Hacked, as well as some of the other cool things people have been doing.
Ben has been working a lot of his own projects lately, so I know he’s busy with them. But he’s also been busy with one of our favorite projects, Hacked. It’s a site where all of our favorite hackers can share their creations and their ideas for new stuff. It’s so great because it allows you to get the latest and greatest about hacking these days while also having the whole community around you to help you out.