We can’t have it both ways. If you don’t like the idea of the “cool” thing for a moment, you may want to buy an extra sweater.
It’s a bit of a paradox. To be a bit of a paradox, we need to be aware of and accept that we may be holding ourselves back simply by existing. We dont have to stop doing what we always do. We might get tired of what we do, but we cant stop doing it.
On the other hand, we dont need to be aware of what we dont like. We can just be aware of and accept that we dont like everything about what we do. This is not a paradox; it is a reality. There is a difference between being aware of a thing and being afraid of it.
The difference between being aware of a thing and being afraid of it is the difference between what people do and what they are. We dont know what we will be like when we grow up. We dont know what we will be like when we are forty or forty-five. We dont know what we will be like when we are eighty. We dont know what makes us different from when we are twenty-five or twenty-six. We dont have any idea which way we will end up.
Just last week I was in a meeting with my boss when I suddenly realized that I was no longer working for the same company. This left me worried that I would be treated differently as a result.
“I wonder if the CEO is still in his office?” I asked.
I thought I was going to get a good job, but I’m not. I can’t make it, so I’ll try to make it.
I’m still an employee of the company I work for. But the CEO left. I wonder if the CEO is still in his office. It seems likely that he is.
I remember when I worked in a lab, where I had to deal with some sort of a problem that I was working on. After I ran into the boss, who was a bit annoyed, I asked him to come to the lab. He had to give me a chance to work there instead of staying away from the lab. Ill do that, but if I take a chance I will get a job.