I’m not religious, but I love the idea of a deity making you do certain things. I’m a huge fan of the concept of original sin and I’m always interested in what it says about our own identity.
There’s also the fact that we all are products of our environment. The world around us is shaped by our DNA, our emotions, our upbringing, and our thoughts. That’s why it’s so ridiculous to suggest that we can escape from our origins and go to heaven. In fact, you might be more prone to evil if you are born in an evil family.
It seems this idea of divine punishment is not a new one. Im sure the concept has been around for centuries (to the point I was a child in the late 60s and early 70s). The fact that we are all products of our environment and the fact that the world around us reflects those things is why I find this concept so disturbing.
In case you are wondering, I don’t have a problem with divine punishment. I think it is a great concept. I think we have to be aware of ourselves and the things that bind us to a place we don’t like. But I don’t think that any of the stories we have told about the afterlife, even though they are pretty interesting stories, are accurate. God’s plans were for the most part designed for human beings to carry out.
It is hard to say, but I think it is pretty clear that, if something is designed for humans to do, it should only be done by humans. If there was a god that wanted to punish the world, this would be his way of doing it. And there is nothing wrong with that. But I dont think it should be done to people.
There’s an argument that makes sense to me about why we should be punished for our sins. First, we are all sinners. And we’re all on the same Earth, and we all have the same sins. It’s a fair and natural thing to put a price on our sins. Second, it’s a fair and natural thing for us to make sure that we are as good as we can be. This gives us a reason to strive for the best we can be.
I think that’s a good reason to be punished for our sins. But I also think that it should come from us. If I did something wrong, I should be able to feel that I have a reason to make an effort and act accordingly. It shouldn’t be something that just happens to me at a later point in time. That’s just not right and I don’t think it’s fair or natural.
I think that what makes us act the way we do, and what makes it so hard to change, is the sense of entitlement that we have that we can just do whatever we want. We are all basically slaves, and in some ways we’re all treated like slaves, but on the other end of the scale, we’re all entitled and in some ways, we’re even treated like slaves.
It’s just hard for us to be able to see that our actions and those of others are not up to us, that it just happens. I’m just trying to be the voice of reason and change that is needed, and my hope is that others will be able to see this too.
In the real world, we all have a voice to change the world, but in the game the voice is silenced so we can just do whatever we want. In the game, we all have a voice to change the world, but we can’t hear it. In the game, we all have a voice to change the world, but that voice is silenced so we can just do whatever we want.