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How to Master does the ps5 play blu ray in 6 Simple Steps

I don’t know, it’s a new console. Maybe a new console player. Who knows? I’m just happy to see a title that has the ability to play Blu Ray movies.

I think the Xbox 360 is a better way to play Blu Ray movies if you’re into that sort of thing. With the 360, you can create a virtual “library” of movies to watch on your PS3, and then you can drag and drop them into the Blu Ray player to watch them in full resolution. I’m not sure if you could do this on the 360, but it sounds like it would be a pretty cool option, especially if you’re interested in Blu Ray movies.

You can actually stream Blu Ray movies to the Xbox 360. The reason being is that Blu Ray movies are encoded in 4:3 ratios, the same as the Xbox 360. So if you have a Blu Ray movie on your Xbox 360 and you install it into your Xbox 360 Blu Ray player, you can view it on your PS3 at the same resolution as well.

I don’t know about you, but I have to have everything I watch on blu ray. It’s just not the same as a regular movie.

That’s pretty cool, but it still leaves a lot to be desired. The PS3 only allows you to play movies in 720p, and Blu Ray movies aren’t encoded in the exact same size format as the Xbox 360. The only way you can play them is if you’ve already bought the Blu Ray disc or else you have to do it yourself.

If you haven’t bought your PS3 Blu Ray disc by this time, you may want to do that. The PlayStation 3’s Blu Ray player is only 720p, and you don’t have to do anything yourself — all you have to do is buy or rent the disc. I’m sure if you buy it from Sony or the local video store, you can view your movies in 720p.

While Blu Ray movies are generally not encoded at the same size of their 360 counterpart, they still look fairly sharp. To the naked eye they look more like the 360, however.

So yeah, if you still havent got a PS3 or 360, you probably should do it. I’m not sure why they decided to go down this route, but it makes sense, and it’s a great way to view Blu Ray movies.

Yeah, the 360 is great, but if you’re going to buy one, you’re going to need at least one Blu Ray player to view your 360 movies. Also, the 360 is a lot bigger than the PS3, so you’ll need a pretty sizable TV for it to be a good choice.

The 360 is a little on the small side. Its a 720p video camera with a 720p HDMI output. The 360 is also a very limited version of the console so if youre going to buy one, you probably should buy a PS3 or a PS4. That said, the 360 offers a lot of customization options and the ability to play Blu Ray movies on your TV. I could go on and on about this, but I think you get the idea.


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