This week’s iron moutain daily news comes from NPR.
I know this isn’t the type of news you’d expect from NPR, but one of the stories is about the recent murder of a guy in his mid-30s who was found shot in the head in his home. He’s been missing for about a week, and his remains have been discovered. The police are still trying to determine if the suspect was the person who killed the guy.
It has become an odd, annoying little thing in the news. NPR and the rest of the world seem to be getting a little more nervous about the murder of a person with a brain, body, or spirit. I mean, just the fact that it was just a matter of time before the police were really smart enough to think that the guy had been in custody.
For a while, our story was fairly straightforward. I’m not going to lie, I really liked our story. I knew that if I told it correctly, I wouldn’t have to do anything.
But it didn’t work out like I hoped. The police are still not getting it, and the killer has not been caught. The media is still getting a little uncomfortable with the fact that a real person could possibly be dead and they are not. The police are still not able to put the killer behind bars, so he’s still free running around the city. It’s really starting to feel as if our murder-suicide story is a bit of a failure.
I can understand that. The police could have been more proactive in getting their message out. The city police are not the best at responding to crimes, and there’s no guarantee that the killer will be caught before the end of the week. The media is just as bad. They are still not able to figure out exactly what happened, because they don’t know who the perpetrator is, they only know that someone is dead. Their first instinct is always to blame the victim.
The good news is that you can get away with it. If you’re willing to be caught in the middle of a murder, you can blame the killer for it. But the bad news is that the killer will have to be caught sooner or later. The bad news is that the killer won’t be able to get out of jail and get his way, and his way will be his way.
Iron moutain is a fairly new game that has been around for a while, but the latest news suggests that the developers are preparing for a future where Iron moutain will be the last game in the series, possibly supplanted by a new, more modern-looking game. The news also hints at a larger controversy over player vs. developer motivations as well as the future of the series.
The truth is that the developers are working on Deathloop, the first game in the Iron moutain series, and they’re not giving up on them for anything. Iron moutain is one of those games that you can play for years and years and not feel like you’re playing the same game every time. We’re just getting the game released and the developers are still in the early stages of development.