This story came out today in The Daily Wire. A female college student, who recently posted a photo of herself to Tumblr, was reported for harassment by fellow students because she wore a dress in her photograph. A group called “Flock” posted the picture of the student with the caption “So we see you dress like a slut.
Flock is a college humor blog that focuses on the “inappropriate” behavior of the student population. Like so many of our favorite blogs, it has become a haven for anti-feminist posts, hate speech, and other kinds of inappropriateness. The Daily Wire’s story contains a quote from an anonymous source who claims that the group was made aware of the student’s post, and that she had been accused of “harassment” because she wore a dress.
If you’re going to write jokes about me, I’m going to be offended and have to reply to you. You’re absolutely right. That’s not like you and your friends. It’s like you put yourself out there and don’t have a job because you can’t find someone else to put your ass in.
And the rest of the post contains another quote from a different anonymous source who also says that the group felt it necessary to write to the school about the students post because of the alleged harassment charges. The sources both claim they wrote to the school because they felt they couldn’t trust the school to handle the situation.
Im sure you guys have heard of the “flock” phenomenon. Basically, it’s the idea that you and a bunch of your friends are all kind of stuck in the same place and need to band together and work together to get out. Now, my opinion of “flock” is that it’s mostly just a bunch of people telling each other how to be a better friend. And as for why some people are calling it “flock,” well, I dunno.
The problem with flock, other than the fact that some people will tell you they’re “stuck in the same place” in order to get you to join them, is the whole “not wanting to be alone” thing. You don’t want to be alone when you’re stuck in a flock, because you don’t want to be alone. Also, some people don’t want to be the only person in a flock because they’re afraid to be alone.
You only want to be alone when youre in a flock. If you have a friend, it is best to let them in. A friend isn’t a good friend if they dont want to talk to you, but if they dont want to talk to you, that means no.
Flocks of birds, if you have any in your area, are great for just being alone. If youve never seen a flock of birds, you dont know what they are, theyre quite magical. They go on trips, they go fishing, they have a good time. Theres just something about them that makes them so quiet.
The story is set in a place called the Great Game, where you can hunt birds. It’s a game where you can take birds with you if they have a great time. The game’s name comes from the game’s name for the birds. Because birds of prey tend to have a great time, it is a good idea to be in a real flock when you are there.
I love the idea of a real flock. The game is based on the mythology of the nightingale. We’ve seen real nightingales in nature, but how would they feel about you hunting them? Would they be happy to see you? Would they flock to you? Would they chase you? The game is supposed to be about giving them a reason to chase you, and a reason to flock to you.