The new promi news bild is a small news magazine (originally called the “Student Newspaper of the New York University School of Journalism”) that is designed to be the perfect complement to the NYU’s journalism program. Promi is a brand new publication that is intended to be a one-stop source for information about the school, the news, and the arts. It will also be available in print and online.
We got a few questions from students about what we can expect from promi during the season. As of now, our plan is to open it up to members of the media.
Promi is very much like the Student Newspaper of the New York University School of Journalism. We’re not doing all that much of the same editorial stuff here. We’ll be keeping up with the news, but not much will be editorial. The focus of promi will be on student journalism and the arts, and what they’re up to.
Promi will be a student-run publication. We don’t want to take any of the editorial stuff away from the people who work here, so we’ve decided to open it up to people outside of our school. We believe that the arts are important and should be part of the journalism curriculum. But if you want to read about the same things that we do, there are tons of great websites out there.
It’s just that some of the content is so good that it can be hard to know what to look at. For instance, to read about a guy getting raped by four men in a dark alley and then being told that he needs to buy a new condom is kind of a dick move. Sure, that’s true, but it’s also the sort of thing the media would cover, and the sort of thing our students would cover in school.
In Deathloop’s case, I think it’s a good thing that the story we’re about to tell starts with a young boy who’s being raped by an underage girl in her backyard. Then, after she’s raped him, she gives him a new condom. It’s just a weird, twisted game, and a bit of a joke, but it would be nice to see more videos about the rape, but its not a “story.
I think this is a good thing, and a rather obvious one. But I think that a video like this probably wouldn’t be as newsworthy if it were about a rape. Like I said, its a weird, twisted game, but it’s not a story either. So it’s not nearly as newsworthy as the actual rape itself.
Rape is one of those situations that we don’t really know much about. And rape cases (or even rape cases in general) don’t usually get as much attention as they deserve. But that doesn’t mean they don’t happen. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, it happens about 300 times a year. And while the media loves to focus on rape as sexy and empowering, it’s often used as a reason to get the victims to change their minds.
Promi news is a news release by a media outlet that is supposed to provide news regarding a particular topic, event, or issue. We do our best to link to news stories that are interesting enough to warrant a mention. For example, if you’re into the latest trends in the music game, we’ll link to the latest release of the same. But it does mean that we really don’t know all that much about it.
Promi news has many names, but most people know it as the term for a press release or news release. We don’t know anything about it, because it doesn’t have any content. So a lot of us will just use the term “promi news” to mean a news release.