I love these ps4 stick grips. They have a ton of features and they are really sturdy. The way they attach to the phone is super cool. They are very light and comfortable and their small size makes them easy to grab. I love the extra strap that goes over the battery and the camera strap.
The PS4 also has a built in camera so you can take pictures while you’re playing. I have one of these on my phone, and even though I don’t have a smartphone, I still feel like I’m playing. The camera strap, though, is something I just can’t get enough of.
I wish Sony would take advantage of their Playstation 4 feature in their games to include a camera attachment for the PS4. Theyre making it so easy to take pictures that I dont need a camera anymore.
The PS4 camera strap will also be available in the next year’s holiday bundle, though it’s not being announced yet.
The camera strap can be used for the camera, the game controller, or both. Sony are not currently marketing it, but it seems like a very logical marketing move.
Its not that I don’t want a camera, its just that I don’t need one. I can shoot my own photos on my phone, and I can take them with the camera. Not to mention that I don’t need to lug around two different cameras. I just need a camera.
I have been using the camera from the beginning and always liked it. I was hoping for something nicer, but it seems like they are sticking with the same design as the PS3 camera.I can see this becoming a big thing since Sony are getting a ton of attention with the launch of the PS4.
Sony has taken it upon themselves to make it clear that its not the camera that is the most important thing. Its the hardware that is going to appeal to gamers, and while there a lot of people out there who really like this camera, I think it could get a little lost.The PS4 is a PS3 clone in every sense, so I think if Sony wanted to make it the camera, they could easily make it so.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony makes it so you can change your grip position on the camera without having to go through the menus, though. At the moment I’m stuck in the “normal” position, and I have to get my thumb on the shutter button to take a shot, which is annoying. The camera is quite heavy, so I don’t think it’s going to be that easy to change the grip just because you want to carry it.
Sony could easily make the camera so you can change your grip position without having to go through the menus, as I suggested. That would be pretty cool, and I’m sure it’d be more than a little difficult, but it’d be fun to try it out.